Valueselling South – Partners

Our partners

Valueselling South works with established partners in the field, thus multiplying the impact they have on local initiatives.

Ondernemers voor Ondernemers

Ondernemers voor Ondernemers is a platform that brings entrepreneurs in the West in contact with entrepreneurs in the South, to help them with resources, expertise and funds.

Louvain Cooperation

Louvain Cooperation, the NGO of the Catholic University of Louvain, provides academic skills into practice to meet the challenges of development. By offering innovative and customized solutions, Louvain Cooperation fight against hunger, poverty and disease, alongside the poor.

Solid International

Solid International strives to improve the living conditions of people in Ayacucho , one of the economically less developed regions of Peru.

aBi Uganda

The aBi Trust strategy supports market-driven enterprises using a value chain approach for specific COMMODITY groups (sub sectors) were six value chains are being supported. These include: maize; pulses, coffee, oilseeds, horticulture and dairy.

Via Don Bosco

Via Don Bosco is a Belgian Salesian NGO and we believe based on the strength of human development in a holistic approach to training and education . Education is the cornerstone of sustainable development. We believe it is one of the most important tools to grow out of poverty and to build a democratic, just and sustainable society.

Hubi & Vinciane

The Foundation Hubi and Vinciane pursues an integrated approach to development after and therefore supports the regional development of the Parakou-N’Dali region with projects in health, education and entrepreneurship with focus on agriculture and food supply.


For development projects

Valueselling South is always looking for projects to support. Don’t hesitate to call on us if you need marketing, commercial or business assistance.

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