How can you boost sales and maximize results during challenging times?

One of the most critical aspects of Sales Force Effectiveness (SFE) is defining the rules of the game—starting with identifying your ideal customer. Understanding their needs and wants is essential, but how do these compare to the prospects you’re currently targeting? This is where the accuracy of your segmentation process is put to the test.

Often, segmentation is reduced to a simple classification of A/B/C customers based on potential or volume, resulting in a one-dimensional approach focused exclusively on business potential. However, a more effective strategy involves a two-dimensional analysis: assessing both the potential business (account attractiveness) and your competitive position within that account: How appealing are you to do business with? Which criteria determine your position with key customers compared to your main competitors?

Our own Customer Profiling & Segmentation Tool is designed to help you prioritize accounts and optimize your sales efforts through a consistent and quantifiable approach. By evaluating both the attractiveness of the account and your competitive standing, the tool ensures that your segmentation is customer-focused and strategically solid.

This approach allows for optimal management of your segments, leading to more efficient use of sales resources. The resulting account policy matrix then identifies the overall priority of each account and suggests the appropriate strategy: focus, reinforce position, maintain, or minimize efforts.

If you want to find out more about our CPS Tool you can contact us.